Love through the line....

Duet Online Art Exhibition by Couple Artist Ishan Pariyar & Sabita Dangol

What would have become of life if there was no unification? There would have been no life at all. We are in constant harmony with every entity that surrounds us, the air we breathe, the people we meet and even the food we take, all these things expand and confirm our being. And this unification is most realized when one is constantly reminded by a companion in a relationship of love and harmony. Young artists Ishan and Sabita through this two persons show are in a pursuit to convey such ideas of love and intimacy. The paintings and drawings in this exhibition shifts its viewers to a dream like realm, a state one elevates when one is understood and the person who understands is just in front you. Several group and solo art shows to their credit, the two artists envision and bring forth stories of love, being loved and the spirit lifted when one experiences love and relationship. – Saroj Bajracharya / Painter. Writer


"जोडी शृङ्खला यि दुबै कलाकारका आ-आफ्ना शैली र प्रस्तुती का तरिका भए पनि बिहे भएपछी को अनुभव्, समाजसङको अन्तर्कृया, व्यवहार , आलिङन गर्न परेको सँस्कार आदिबाट सुखद अनुभव सँगाले  पछी यि दुबै कलाकार मा नयाँ जोश थपिदा थोरै नयाँ ढङ बाट  चित्रहरु देखा परे….." 

मुकेश मल्ल

- गोर्खापत्र


"…इशान का प्रत्यक चित्रमा डुंगा बिम्ब को रुपमा आएको छ । डुंगा एउटा किनार देखी अर्को किनार मा पुग्ने माध्यम हो । मानिस को जीवन यात्रा सँग जोडेर हेर्दा डुंगा को बिम्बले विराट अर्थ दिन्छ……यता सबिता को दर्शन - काइयो ले कपालको जगल्टा सुल्झाए झै समस्या सुल्झ्यौदै आत्मिय यात्रा गर्नु पर्छ। “  

धुर्बसत्य परियार

- नागरिक  


“इशान को  डुंगामा नेवारी पहिरनमा सजिएकी मोनालिसा देखी बुद्धको अवतार अवलोकितेश्वर सम्म चढी सकेका छन । रेमिनिसेन्स शिर्षक चित्रको लागि उनले राष्ट्रिय पुरस्कार पनि जितेका थिए। सबिता ले काइयो लाई बिम्ब लो रुपमा प्रयोग गरेकी छन, चित्रहरुमा । उनि काइयो लाई समस्या समाधानका रुपमा बुझछिन । उनका चित्रमा कल्पनाशिलता र यथार्थको मिश्रण अद्भुत लाग्छ ।“   

सुनिता लोहनी

- नेपाल मासिक


" इशान का रङमा अलि जिम्मेवारी , जीवन को गहिराइ र गहन भाव समेटिएको पाईन्छ । सबिता ले पिन्क्, एल्लो  र ग्रीन जस्ता रङ प्रयोग गरेर सम्बन्ध को रोमान्टिक जस्ता छण कैद गर्ने गरेकी छिन ।"  

मधु शाही

- कान्तिपुर  


"It’s February—month of love—meant to be for couples. And what better ways one can express their union and togetherness, than showcasing their feelings and thoughts in the form of art. With this in mind and to celebrate their anniversary of conjugal life, artist Sabita Dangol and Ishan Pariyar organized a joint painting and drawing exhibition..."

Sangita Shrestha

- My City Republica


“With Artworks exploring the feelings of being loved and having one’s spirit lifted through the experience of love…"

The Kathmandu Post


“The artworks deal with the theme of togetherness love and relationship."

The Himalayan Times

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